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Old 02-07-2008, 01:58 AM
JDR Revival
Hey Mikey Pictures's Avatar
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After heavy losses in the battle against Perfect Prime in JDR Revolutions, Dominant Dan returns home to discover an old nemesis, Boundless Ben, is trying to take over the world. With the help of scientist friend Waumsley, he chases Ben down through abandoned cities, massive spaceships, virtual reality, and even whole other worlds.

There are so many words you could use to describe JDR Revival. Pointless. Insane. Incoherent. I prefer "entertaining". Say what you want about it's lack of narrative structure, or anything even resembling a logical plot, JDR Revival is just fun to watch. Maybe I'm easy to please, but that's good enough for me.

JDR Revival's story's not really there. What IS there is basically a reason to throw a bunch of psychadelic colors, constant random jokes, and huge explosive battles that may-or may-not have any point whatsoever at you. It essentially comes down to three teenagers running around blowing stuff up, and an evil guy named Boundless Ben is out to stop them. It goes without saying that this is not a movie you watch to be intellectually stimulated- you watch it to see big 'spolsions and to laugh at the sheer craziness of it all. Whether you enjoy it or not depends on whether you can leave your brain at the door, and sit back and enjoy some good mindless entertainment.

Obviously if you talk about JDR Revival you have to mention the animation. It's always fluid and full of inventive effects, and at times it's just incredible. The movie keeps a cartoony feel, which is very good, since this isn't a movie you want to take seriously. Characters die and are almost immediately ressurected countless times throughout the movie. This film is utterly insane, as is Dan's directing style. The camera can't stay still for longer than a few seconds, and there is almost never any silence (which they joke about in the beginning of the movie). Whenever there IS a period of silence, you can count on something being blown up, or shot, or squashed by a giant meteorite, or something. It's the perfect movie for someone with A.D.D.

It sounds extremely corny (and maybe I'm just too tired to think of a better comparison), but the best way to explain JDR Revival is as a roller coaster ride, in movie form. Once it gets rolling it doesn't stop, not even for the end credits. The movie throws so much stuff at you every second that you would have to be extremely jaded to not find ANY of it entertaining. Chances are there's going to be something in this movie that will make you smile and enjoy yourself. Personally, I enjoyed every insane minute of it- but I especially liked the last battle. Best. Fight scene. EVER.

Let's see...what do we have left...AH! Sound. The sound effects were well chosen. Exploding scientists sounded approprietly mushy (ew), explosions were loud and fiery, swords sounded...uh..metallic (so very, very tired). Good all around. The voice acting was well done. Justin did a good job as the evil "Boundless Ben" (the HUH-BUH-JUH-BUH line has to be my favorite), Jon Barton and Jaymond both do excellent jobs with their parts, as usual. My Rory voices were marred by the fact that my mic sucks donkey balls, but besides that, good voices all around. The music tracks fit perfectly also.

What else is there to say? This is just good entertainment from start to finish. Sure it's not thought-provoking or anything. You'll probably use your brain more opening a box of fruit roll-ups then you will watching this entire movie, but it's a great ride all the way through. I give it a 95% out of 100%. It's not for everyone, but those that like this kind of thing will love every second of it.
“You'll probably use your brain more opening a box of fruit roll-ups then you will watching this entire movie, but it's a great ride.”
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