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Old 02-12-2023, 07:11 PM
Animorphs - The Invasion (1997)
MBXfilms's Avatar
Plot Summary:
The Animorphs book series in 3DMM form, the kids discover an alien that gives them powers to turn into animals, but they must stop the brain slug invasion using these powers.

Made in around 1997 and 1998 time frame I made these while I was very into the book series. There are more "episodes" that I won't make a post of but you can see the full playlist here as I get them captured and added:
The 3DMM Animorphs Playlist

I never uploaded them to any 3DMM sites back then because they just would have been rejected or laughed at. I'm good with them being laughed at now though. They are pretty funny to look back on if you are into time capsule nostalgic things like it. You like movie maker still so...I would imagine most do. So this is kind of like it's first release despite being made so long ago.

Also can you just appreciate the thumbnail image that looks like the old book covers? You have to at least love that, with the movie maker character morphing into the hilarious 3DMM style handmade animals. Funny stuff.

Also they are worth the watch for the hilarious MIDI music chosen as well.
And some decent enough handmade animal characters and fights.

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Name:	aniumorph1.jpg
Views:	19
Size:	54.2 KB
ID:	7012
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Name:	animorph2.jpg
Views:	19
Size:	44.6 KB
ID:	7013
Movie Rating: 5 votes, 76% average.
Release Year:
~9 minutes
Windows 98 
Windows 98
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Old 02-12-2023, 07:36 PM   #2
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I like the animal design, the thumbnail, and the voice lines! 100% from me!
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Old 02-12-2023, 07:48 PM   #3
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Considering this was made all the way back in 1997 this is pretty good.

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Old 02-12-2023, 07:54 PM   #4
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Damn! This is awesome!

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Old 02-13-2023, 01:24 AM   #5
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After this movie, i could see extra colors and i began foaming from the mouth. Overall, good film.

Last edited by Tokiverse : 02-16-2023 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 02-13-2023, 02:26 AM   #6
Old Rivers
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As a fan of the books, I must say I'm pretty disappointed. This is going to take some time but I really wasn't a fan of this adaptation at all.

First of all you didn't even set up the fact that there was a time limit on how long they could stay in animal form until it finally becomes an issue at the end. If the Andelite had told them that there was a time limit, after which they would be stuck in animal form forever, then we would have a better sense of the stakes during the climactic battle sequences. But because you didn't set it up, the emotional impact of Tobias's fate becomes cheapened. That was supposed to be the big dramatic gut punch, when you realize that Tobias was trapped in the facility for over two hours, that he was unable to safely turn back into a human, and that now he is stuck as a hawk forever; he will never be a boy again. I remember being almost in tears when I got to that part as a kid, and you completely ruined it with some "oh yeah also there is a time limit and Tobias violated it I guess" bullshit shoehorned in at the last second.

Another huge flaw is that you completely skipped over explaining what Controllers are. The whole dramatic thrust of the series comes from the fact that human bodies are being taken over by aliens, who are then helping the aliens take over more humans. The scariness comes from the fact that suddenly your friends and family members might not be who you thought they were. When Jake finds out his older brother is a Controller, it's this jarring and unsettling moment. When he finds out that 'The Sharing,' supposedly some friendly youth group, is actually a recruiting grounds for Controllers, it's a huge deal. And yet you completely ignored all of that, and as a result, there isn't as much of a reason for us to root for our heroes to succeed. In fact, you didn't even have any human characters other than the main five. No Jake's brother, no villainous vice-principal, no Marco's grief-stricken father (that alone is going to present issues when you finally get to the fifth one), no anything except for our extremely underdeveloped core five.

That brings me to another major problem: the reduced role of Jake. The Invasion was written entirely from his perspective and he is the obvious leader of the group, yet his presence in this movie is insanely understated. If you had never read the books, and you only saw this movie, you might be left with the impression that Marco is the leader, when in reality he Jake's goofy Mexican comic relief sidekick.

Also you made acquiring look way too easy. Like they can just walk up to a bunch of dangerous animals and touch them without getting instantly mauled. I remember there was this long scene in the book where they have to wait for a tiger to fall asleep, and then very carefully sneak over to him and touch him to acquire him. Stuff like that would have provided a real sense of danger, but nope, you just have them running around happily touching grizzly bears and alligators and shit like there's no danger whatsoever. Also they never fucking acquired an elephant, what kind of dumbass shit is that?

The Andelite was pretty lazily animated too. He barely moved; it was obvious that animating him was just too much effort for you. God help you when you get the episode that introduces Ax.

Honestly this was awful. 0/10.

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Old 02-13-2023, 02:27 AM   #7
Old Rivers
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I'm just kidding, I loved it!

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Old 02-13-2023, 03:13 AM   #8
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pretty good, better than mines

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Old 02-14-2023, 12:46 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Old Rivers
As a fan of the books, I must say I'm pretty disappointed. This is going to take some time but I really wasn't a fan of this adaptation at all.

First of all you didn't even set up the fact that there was a time limit on how long they could stay in animal form until it finally becomes an issue at the end. If the Andelite had told them that there was a time limit, after which they would be stuck in animal form forever, then we would have a better sense of the stakes during the climactic battle sequences. But because you didn't set it up, the emotional impact of Tobias's fate becomes cheapened. That was supposed to be the big dramatic gut punch, when you realize that Tobias was trapped in the facility for over two hours, that he was unable to safely turn back into a human, and that now he is stuck as a hawk forever; he will never be a boy again. I remember being almost in tears when I got to that part as a kid, and you completely ruined it with some "oh yeah also there is a time limit and Tobias violated it I guess" bullshit shoehorned in at the last second.

Another huge flaw is that you completely skipped over explaining what Controllers are. The whole dramatic thrust of the series comes from the fact that human bodies are being taken over by aliens, who are then helping the aliens take over more humans. The scariness comes from the fact that suddenly your friends and family members might not be who you thought they were. When Jake finds out his older brother is a Controller, it's this jarring and unsettling moment. When he finds out that 'The Sharing,' supposedly some friendly youth group, is actually a recruiting grounds for Controllers, it's a huge deal. And yet you completely ignored all of that, and as a result, there isn't as much of a reason for us to root for our heroes to succeed. In fact, you didn't even have any human characters other than the main five. No Jake's brother, no villainous vice-principal, no Marco's grief-stricken father (that alone is going to present issues when you finally get to the fifth one), no anything except for our extremely underdeveloped core five.

That brings me to another major problem: the reduced role of Jake. The Invasion was written entirely from his perspective and he is the obvious leader of the group, yet his presence in this movie is insanely understated. If you had never read the books, and you only saw this movie, you might be left with the impression that Marco is the leader, when in reality he Jake's goofy Mexican comic relief sidekick.

Also you made acquiring look way too easy. Like they can just walk up to a bunch of dangerous animals and touch them without getting instantly mauled. I remember there was this long scene in the book where they have to wait for a tiger to fall asleep, and then very carefully sneak over to him and touch him to acquire him. Stuff like that would have provided a real sense of danger, but nope, you just have them running around happily touching grizzly bears and alligators and shit like there's no danger whatsoever. Also they never fucking acquired an elephant, what kind of dumbass shit is that?

The Andelite was pretty lazily animated too. He barely moved; it was obvious that animating him was just too much effort for you. God help you when you get the episode that introduces Ax.

Honestly this was awful. 0/10.

Finally a real review. All true and good points. That Andalite sucked so much to animate I didn't even make Visser 3 one at all.

This literally would have been the review if I uploaded it in '98 when I was 13. I would love for you to post a roast on each one on Youtube just to see if people respond!
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Old 02-14-2023, 01:21 AM   #10
Old Rivers
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Did you ever watch the Canadian tv show? It was on around the time you made this. I don't remember much about it other than it being very low budget and not that great. Although it did have an amazing opening theme:

A great part of the tv show is the fact that they made Marco this over the top Mexican comic relief stereotype who constantly says stuff like "Ay yo get out of my barrio, yeerks!! Let's go, vatos!"

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Old 02-14-2023, 01:34 AM   #11
Autistic British Jackass

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Rivers, that theme song was pretty badass… the singing sounds like
Michael Jackson… to be fair, of course!….. wait did you say that TV
Show was canadian, Oh god… can't wait for Plop to hear this!

and Mr. MBX or your real name, Brett, the KAZOO KID!!!

Your films are not that too bad, you should release the .3mm files
of the movies to the internet aswell, like you did with the Megaman
film you sent to Dragonfilms. (if you can find a good hosting site, i
recommend using MEGA or Catbox or whatever the hell you fancy)
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Old 02-14-2023, 02:02 AM   #12
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Lmao. I like how Patryk is trying to do what Rivers did, but doesn’t understand paragraphs.

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Old 02-14-2023, 03:05 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Old Rivers
Did you ever watch the Canadian tv show? It was on around the time you made this. I don't remember much about it other than it being very low budget and not that great. Although it did have an amazing opening theme:

A great part of the tv show is the fact that they made Marco this over the top Mexican comic relief stereotype who constantly says stuff like "Ay yo get out of my barrio, yeerks!! Let's go, vatos!"

I was very hype for the show and was disappointed more that it ended so fast. We laughed at it a bit at school but still liked it since we all read the books. Cast fit like a glove in my eyes.

I made my little series and then made a "reboot" of sorts after seeing the show trying to make it more like the books, but it was still just an excuse to animate handmade character animals fighting aliens and stuff. So I just kinda did the one off. It will get posted with the rest in that playlist up top and on the Youtube channel listed in my signature. I have a few more nuggets I've never shown before, that are really only interesting now that I've held them back.
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Old 02-14-2023, 08:01 AM   #14
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You should make more but skip to the last two books and do the genocide and sending disabled kids on a suicide mission and shit
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Old 03-31-2023, 05:52 PM   #15
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The Other Animorphs Chapters

Here are the other movies as to not make a new post.

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Old 03-31-2023, 11:10 PM   #16
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this seems like a great movie
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Old 07-03-2024, 11:57 PM   #17
Bobby Swisha
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I discovered these yesterday while searching on YouTube for old 3DMM stuff.

While I didn’t exactly watch them for long, two things I want to say:
1) I really enjoy the video “covers” that show the various actors turning to animals.
2) It’s pretty surreal to see a whole 3dmm SERIES from 1997 (the peak of 3dmm series being put out) that has never been released before. When I saw these on YouTube I did a double take and tried to understand if these are new movies or I just don’t remember them - it turned out to be neither!

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Old 07-12-2024, 07:51 PM   #18
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The Thumbnails are really the best part sadly.

My whole channel has more "never-seen" movies as I knew they were too bad to post anywhere back then. But I thought they are funny to see now. I was just making them for myself to watch and enjoy back then. I just wanted to see how people would react now to them.
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