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Old 01-13-2007, 08:21 AM   #1
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I want to understand why 3dmm is dying.

Therefore, I have two questions for all of y'all

1. This movie you're working on right now... how long is it? How many technical inconveniences have you ran into while making it? How much pre-production do you have to do on it? How much time did you have to spend on this movie before you actually just sat down and started animating the thing?

2. This movie you were working on like three years ago... what happened to it? Where is it? Why didn't you move on to a tinier project?

Question 2 mostly is because I'm unsure as to what has been cancelled and who has retired. So answer me these questions and I'll like, try to offer sagelike advice.
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Old 01-13-2007, 11:05 AM   #2
Denny Betterman
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1. The only movie I'm working on is a secret sequel, I've got another sequel in the works, and I might do some little stuff of my own, but damn bigger projects anymore. My current project is intentionally very untechnical, but most of the members of the crew have slipped in brand new v3dmm expansions, mine having taken the most work to make, and I keep making more. as fas working on this movie is concerned, maybe an hour or two per piece of work?

2. Everything I made 3 years ago and back sucked big. A lot of the stuff since, too, since I have no desire to work on large projects.

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Old 01-13-2007, 11:29 AM   #3
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3dmm is dying because most of the community is growing up and moving on.
Take Jon Barton, he is putting on a live stage version of Liquid Sunshine.

1. About 5 minutes long, I got to animating right away.
2. On my old broken HDD.
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Old 01-13-2007, 02:27 PM   #4
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Mario Saga 2 is the movie I've slowly been working on forever. I could work on other things, and I do occasionally get ideas for some, but MS2 is the only one that doesn't make me say 'FUCK DIS SHIT' after making one scene. I just haven't found another project that I can stay motivated enough to finish. Besides, pretty much every movie I've made since the first Mario Saga has been made while putting MS2 on hold.

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Old 01-13-2007, 02:37 PM   #5
James Burgon
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1. I'm not.

2. I never finished any 3dmm movie, no matter what length it was. And I deleted all my 3dmm related stuff.
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Old 01-13-2007, 02:49 PM   #6
Red Scorpion
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Originally Posted by Andres
No one wants to see your movies. You're not a good director. You don't have any 3dmming abilities. At best, you'll produce something passable, and it won' be worth the effort you'll have put into it. You don't have a place in this community. Leave already. Go do something else with your life, this place isn't for you. This place is for people with artistic talent. We don't want your movie. We don't want your contribution. We're just gonna ignore it. You've been here for years and you're still the butt of all jokes. Clearly you're not going to be the next 3dmming genius, and considering the state 3dmm is in right now, if you're not gonna be even 3dmm's next sorta-maybe-halfway genius, you might as well give up. Give up. There's dignity in accepting when things are beyond your reach. Making a movie is beyond your reach. Do us all a favor and just find something better to do.

It's posts like this that make new people get the fuck out and quit 3dmm, assholes like you Andres are those who are making 3dmm die. You toss out all the new people, even those with talent. And those who did use 3dmm lost all motivation because there are no good movies coming out, and thats cause all the newbies get told to fuck off. So fuck you andres.
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Old 01-13-2007, 03:12 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Red Scorpion

Don't waste your energy here, and make your movies, Red.

1. Right now it's probably about.. three-four minutes? I want it to be around 10. Much of it I make up as I go along, but I got a pretty good picture of how I want it to be in my head. But I find even the easiest animations hard to pull off. That's the thing that slows me down the most.

2. I did move on to a tinier project, but I want to return to PP2 afterwards.
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Old 01-13-2007, 03:32 PM   #8
Prof Spaz
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Personally i think 3dmm started to die once people figured out you could modify it and add new stuff to it.

They have turned a once simple and fun app to make simple and fun movies into something complex and over rated. so you can give alexander a new shirt and make your own backgrounds whoopie doo

where is the short films involving people getting blown up or short comedy about porn. thats what the community was about lots of small films where the big ones like DD or Nuts or whatever it was called (the one with the squirrels) were rare treats or strokes of genious. once these came out everyone wanted to make them and so the process of big long drawn out movies began.

my sage advice. keep it simple keep it short and enjoy making it. i used to make stuff in a day or a week. there are one or two wib sketches which i animated as i made up the lines on the spot there was no such thing as pre preduction in my day.

so there you have it thats basically why its dying its all been taken too seriously. and before you flame me there were only a handful of serious movies about most made by ben williams.

will maltby, jon sapone, matt mcgowan, me and tom kerns and probably a few more used to make short funny movies that made no sense but they were fun to watch. I want to install 3dmm to see what stuff is being made but just reading the forums it seems tome i have to patch and mod the shit out of it to watch anything.
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Old 01-13-2007, 03:45 PM   #9
Pirate Balloon
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To be honest, i both love and hate v3dmm. Real weapons instead of using '|'''|'''` is amazing, but then using them in a non-v3dmm created scenery looks wierd. So it all has to be v3dmm somehow, and thats too much effort for me to keep interested. Plus, it'd take ages to work out how to do things to make them look any good and stuff, and i dont really have the patience to experiment so much.

That is why i have huge respect for anyone working on movies right now, and i wanna help out in any way i can.

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Old 01-13-2007, 03:57 PM   #10
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I actually have two movies that could've been done by now. One isn't done really due to laziness. The other isn't don't because I can't find a female voice actor.

When I do finish them, you might be surprised that neither use v3dmm in any capacity. I think its because I want to stay true to my original vision.
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Old 01-13-2007, 04:09 PM   #11
Mr Mong
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i got bored lazy and too busy at the same time, ages ago me and this jpro dude where gonna make a sequel to that crappy chain movie we made and it was rockin but like we kinda stopped. i dont really like v3dmm and if i make something on 3dmm itll suck compared to the new things or something, i only have 3dmm on my old pc too,
The whole 3dmm thing is not as fun anymore i kinda liked the compitition and stuff in movies and having super good directors going "YEAH its pretty ok".

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Old 01-13-2007, 05:04 PM   #12
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Going through movies in 2006 just now I have realized that we have plenty of shorts, albeit they are by unknowns, but they are all in the spirit of simple 3dmming. They didn't get recognition because no one knows who the crap these newbies are, but they sure did contribute more than the "regulars." I don't think 3dmm is dying, maybe just your guys' "GENERATION" is losing its interest is all. I am still relatively new, but am around the same age as most vets, and if I had been around for as long as you guys I might've lost inspiration as well.

I do agree that people ARE spending too much time on epic movies here, I plan one every few months but I try to release as many silly shorts as I can. A little laugh can go a long way I think.

anyway 1. I write more than direct since I am not that great of a director, but currently am not working on anything except the awards stuff. OH WAIT and secret project yeah.

2. Many people who had committed to be a part of this film have left, so a substantial rewrite is in order. But it'll come.

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Old 01-13-2007, 05:07 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Denny Betterman
My current project is intentionally very untechnical, but most of the members of the crew have slipped in brand new v3dmm expansions, mine having taken the most work to make, and I keep making more. as fas working on this movie is concerned, maybe an hour or two per piece of work?

If there's a bunch of time-consuming expansions there, then it sure as fuck isn't very untechnical, is it?

Originally Posted by James Burgon
1. I'm not.

2. I never finished any 3dmm movie, no matter what length it was. And I deleted all my 3dmm related stuff.

What the fuck would you post this for? how is that useful to me?

Originally Posted by Stefan
I actually have two movies that could've been done by now. One isn't done really due to laziness. The other isn't don't because I can't find a female voice actor.

Are you fucking kidding me? Get Jaymond to pretend to be a woman. Jesus christ.

Originally Posted by Fredrick Arnoy
2. I did move on to a tinier project, but I want to return to PP2 afterwards.

Why? I mean, I realize that, well, you don't want to leave the project unfinished, but come on dude. PP1 was years and years ago. Most of the characters and situations in PP1 (and presumably PP2) have absolutely nothing to do with 3dmm anymore. Time to move on, dawg.

Originally Posted by Red Scorpion
It's posts like this that make new people get the fuck out and quit 3dmm, assholes like you Andres are those who are making 3dmm die. You toss out all the new people, even those with talent. And those who did use 3dmm lost all motivation because there are no good movies coming out, and thats cause all the newbies get told to fuck off. So fuck you andres.

You don't have any talent. Trust me, I wouldn't have made that post if there was any chance of you actually releasing a movie, let alone a good one. Leave. Seriously dude, leave. I'm trying to give you good life advice. This shit ain't for you.

Originally Posted by Dash
3dmm is dying because most of the community is growing up and moving on.
Take Jon Barton, he is putting on a live stage version of Liquid Sunshine.

What the fuck are you talking about? You were born in 1992. You're not 'moving on' anywhere you little bastard. Jon Barton is like 40. He already did his part.

Last edited by Andres : 01-13-2007 at 05:26 PM.
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:24 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Tom Breed
Going through movies in 2006 just now I have realized that we have plenty of shorts, albeit they are by unknowns, but they are all in the spirit of simple 3dmming. They didn't get recognition because no one knows who the crap these newbies are, but they sure did contribute more than the "regulars."

Here's the problem. Yes, it's theoretically good that people are still releasing movies. But these movies tend to be, like you said, silly sorts. That's not good. First of all, it's not good because the 3dmm community, as immature and retarded as it may be, has a long and proud history of at least attempting to produce some movies that wow people. While I'm not expecting someone to just be like "ok andres, comin' right up" and releasing a classic, seeing people release a bunch of shorts just to not have the movies section be a barren wasteland is a little depressing.

Besides that, a lot of shorts aren't that impressive to make. I know some of them are, but a lot aren't. And a lot of them might rely on humor or drama which isn't necesarily appreciated by most people. This happens more often in shorts than in long features. I think making a bunch of shorts is actually opening yourself up to more potential criticism.

I don't think 3dmm is dying, maybe just your guys' "GENERATION" is losing its interest is all. I am still relatively new, but am around the same age as most vets, and if I had been around for as long as you guys I might've lost inspiration as well.

3dmm is not in good health. This has nothing to do with me being of my generation or anything like that. 3dmm used to produce a lot more movies, used to have a lot more enthusiasm, etc. I mean c'mon. People were discussing how to make an awards movie when there were barely any notable releases. If that's not a sign of 3dmm dying, I dunno what it is. When I say 3dmm is dying I don't mean 3dmm is ready to die, I mean that the 3dmm aspect of the community is no longer what it used to be and it will keep getting worse unless some sort of conscious effort is put into reviving it.

I do agree that people ARE spending too much time on epic movies here, I plan one every few months but I try to release as many silly shorts as I can. A little laugh can go a long way I think.

A good movie can go a longer way. I'm not gonna claim your shorts are not entertaining, because I haven't seen them, but movies that are longer, have plots, and have their own personality are the movies that people see, think "jesus christ, that was brilliant. i feel like 3dmming and making something as good", and then make their own movie. Not trying to rain on your parade, but that's just DA WAY I SEE IT. Also, even though your shorts might be entertaining and shit, it just looks... depressing to go to the 3dmm movies section and see that most movies being released aren't exactly movies, but rather little jokes that are animated or something. There's nothing wrong with them, but there's something about thinking "hmmm... here's Vlarion.... and then here's some newbie shorts". MIDDLE GROUND.
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:29 PM   #15
Red Scorpion
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Originally Posted by Andres
You don't have any talent. Trust me, I wouldn't have made that post if there was any chance of you actually releasing a movie, let alone a good one. Leave. Seriously dude, leave. I'm trying to give you good life advice. This shit ain't for you.

1. I don't have talent because cock munchers like you discourage me.

2. Other reason I don't have talent is because I don't have the mind of a 4-year old jewish cunt like you!
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:37 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Red Scorpion
1. I don't have talent because cock munchers like you discourage me.

That doesn't make sense. You're either born with talent, or you're not. At least the talent I'm talking about. You can learn the mechanics of moviemaking, but you don't have the talent. This isn't going to change if people stop berating you. You're going to keep being untalented.

2. Other reason I don't have talent is because I don't have the mind of a 4-year old jewish cunt like you!

What? What the fuck did you just say? Are you honestly trying to rile me up by calling me a jew? You're an antisemitic, hateful moron. Shut your filthy fucking mouth and never reply to me again.

Seriously, what the fuck? Did you think you were gonna offend me by calling me a jew? Did you think "yeah, a JEW! that'll insult him"? You're a terrible human being.
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:46 PM   #17
Dustin Guest
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I think it's in a bit of a bad state at the moment because we DO have all these new members who are in a bit of a "feeling out" period and learning how things work here, and the level you're expected to be at to make an entertaining movie these days. I mean, really, these people are jumping on after the peak of visual effects in 3dmm, and it's a mite intimidating. So they either leave or stick around and try to better themselves. And the vets who are still working on movies are working on BIG movies. I think that accounts for most of it.
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:47 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Red Scorpion
1. I don't have talent because cock munchers like you discourage me.

2. Other reason I don't have talent is because I don't have the mind of a 4-year old jewish cunt like you! don't learn talents. Either you have them or you don't. And...he's Colombian...that doesn't even make sense.
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:04 PM   #19
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Oh, right, so it's okay for YOU guys to insult Red Scorpion.

Fuck y'all.
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:14 PM   #20
Dominator Dan
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*hits you in the nose*
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:17 PM   #21
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*insults red scorpion*
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:25 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Chippy
Oh, right, so it's okay for YOU guys to insult Red Scorpion.

Fuck y'all.
That's because he just called Andres a Jew for no reason. Andres doesn't just waltz into Red's threads and rip the the shit of him like you fucking do.

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Old 01-13-2007, 06:29 PM   #23
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Not to mention the only times I did it were in his countless movie threads in an effort to discourage him from making them, because of the obvious truth I and many others know: he's not going to finish them.
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:37 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Red Scorpion
2. Other reason I don't have talent is because I don't have the mind of a 4-year old jewish cunt like you!

hahah, he's saying he has no talent because he doesn't have the mind of a 4-year old jewish cunt, you know, like this would improve matters and allow him to make better movies. i didn't realise the hilarity of this at first. Just thought I'd throw that out.

EDIT: I mean, shit, replacing '4-year old jewish cunt' with 'genius' makes more sense, surely. Or saying other reason YOU don't have talent. Jesus Christ.
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:58 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Dustin Guest
I think it's in a bit of a bad state at the moment because we DO have all these new members who are in a bit of a "feeling out" period and learning how things work here, and the level you're expected to be at to make an entertaining movie these days. I mean, really, these people are jumping on after the peak of visual effects in 3dmm, and it's a mite intimidating. So they either leave or stick around and try to better themselves. And the vets who are still working on movies are working on BIG movies. I think that accounts for most of it.
Well said, I think you hit the nail on the head here.
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