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Old 01-13-2007, 06:59 PM   #26
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1. This movie you're working on right now... how long is it? How many technical inconveniences have you ran into while making it? How much pre-production do you have to do on it? How much time did you have to spend on this movie before you actually just sat down and started animating the thing?

The movie I'm working on now is probably only 5 minutes long, I'm not technically sure because all that I've been working on so far is the scenery design, but in the long run I plan for it to be around 10-15 mins. I haven't ran into too many technical difficulties per se, the thing is that I am putting a whole bunch of emphasis on scenery design (and trust me you guys will be blown away), so I have spent a long time before then ripping textures from games, virtually every texture you see in this movie will be new. It has been really off and on for when I actually work on it because I barely have any free time anymore because I have so much homework, and when I do get free time there are other things that I find more important (such as writing, reading, and music). So whenever I work on 3dmm I am always like, "why the hell am I doing this, I don't want to be a director and this in itself will never get me anywhere," but trust me I would much rather be doing 3dmm than watching t.v.

2. This movie you were working on like three years ago... what happened to it? Where is it? Why didn't you move on to a tinier project?

Because I suck at animating and am not funny, and to do a decent short would require one or the other. And I did start a tinier project before movie on to my big idea (which hasn't been three years more like half a year), but that tinier project (which was actually pretty big) was obliterated.

I think that a big reason why the community is dying is the way people treat newbies. I remember when I first joined I released a crappy movie called OUR WORLD, and surprisingly enough some people had found it funny (in the newb flick sort of way) and then they gave me constructive criticism. If it weren't for this then I highly doubt that I ever would've stuck with it. Now, I haven't released anything in a long time partially because the best flick I've finished was completely destroyed before I could submit it (and I'm serious guys it was better than 95% of the movies released) and because I never really finish anything serious which has been the main movies I attempt, but my point with this is that I am now pretty far up there in 3dmm skillage.
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:03 PM   #27
Pirate Balloon
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Originally Posted by Chippy

Not to mention the only times I did it were in his countless movie threads in an effort to discourage him from making them, because of the obvious truth I and many others know: he's not going to finish them.
Off-topic is far-cry from 3dmm chat. There's a reason why people hold back in movie making forums, but you're usually always there to put him down, and yes discourage him from making movies. And because you discourage him, he keeps starting new things. Maybe if he finished one we could leave him critisims so he could improve.

So you found a thread where everytbody insuted him except you. Im sure i could find a lot more threads where you're leading the party of shit stirring.

People insulted him there because he didnt bother to use a search the search engine, and really, who gives a shit about Quake 3 anymore? They were not insulting him because he posted some new promo pictures of his a movie.

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Old 01-13-2007, 07:19 PM   #28
Dominator Dan
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Pirate you sound way too mature in this topic. STOP IT. IT'S CREEPING ME OUT
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:21 PM   #29
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:53 PM   #30
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EDIT: Y'know what, fuck it. Red Scorpion has been an idiot since he joined over 2 years ago, and has done next to nothing other than frustrate many many members of the board with his idiocy. I'm not the only one who debases him in his movie threads. The way he is and always will be, will draw negative reactions. Can't be arsed to write out a long post about all this.
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:56 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Compcat
I think that a big reason why the community is dying is the way people treat newbies.

No, dude. That's just... that's not true. That's why I made this thread. Because I want to see if there's a pattern in the decrease of movies that involves the actual 3d movie maker program.
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:56 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Red Scorpion
1. I don't have talent because cock munchers like you discourage me.


2. Other reason I don't have talent is because I don't have the mind of a 4-year old jewish cunt like you!

wtf? why the racist comments? as a Jew I am offended.

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Old 01-13-2007, 08:02 PM   #33
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To actually answer the questions, anyway...

1. Right now LoS is almost an hour in length, and is at about 80% completion. I've had quite a few technical inconveniences while making it, but nothing so major to have caused me to lose a lot of work. Just a few crashes, one or two scenes lost, remade quickly. No pre-production really, I make a lot of stuff up on the spot, but gradually weave it into an overall storyline and such. But lately I've lost motivation and passion in making it due to other more rewarding sources of entertainment. And with the World of Warcraft expansion out in 3 to 4 days, I'm going to be pulled even further away from working on LoS. I'll start work on it again another time when I've more of an interest in it.

2. Anything I was working on 3 years ago would have been a shittier version of LoS. Fantasy action films are the only major projects I've ever been making. I couldn't make anything else very well because I didn't (and still don't) have a clever enough sense of humour, a large enough interest in guns 'n' cars, or any original drama material. Y'know, I'm just not built for those.
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Old 01-13-2007, 08:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Andres
No, dude. That's just... that's not true. That's why I made this thread. Because I want to see if there's a pattern in the decrease of movies that involves the actual 3d movie maker program.

Let me clarify, I think the way people treat newbies plays some part, my point was just to add reasoning to this side of the argument so that it is not just forgotten, I don't take Travis Well's side but I do feel that it does contribute to the death of 3dmm. I also feel that since the standards are higher and with the complexity of v3dmm people just don't feel that its worth it anymore, but it isn't so easy to change that.
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Old 01-13-2007, 08:10 PM   #35
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Im currently working on two films at the moment. one (wich has been a working progress) in production with Butterdmonkey, although, i doubt it will be coming anytime soon. second, is also is a secret, only because i have no clue if it will continue to be made
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Old 01-13-2007, 08:23 PM   #36
Aaron Haynes
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Chippy, as close as it is to completion, as interesting and rewarding as it is to watch, and as sorry a state as 3dmm is currently in, you'd have to be really lazy to shelve it for as long as you have.

I'll finish the IronGlade scene if you'll actually finish this in a reasonable amount of time, but if you're just planning to lounge back with it at 80% completion and play a stupid MMO for six months, then fucking forget it.

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Old 01-13-2007, 08:37 PM   #37
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I thought it was left to HMC to finish whatever's left of IronGlade to finish? Texture stuff and that, not modelling?
The reason I've left it for so long is because the last few times I worked on it were incredibly frustrating and boring: voice-acting problems, weird sound glitches on unreachable objects (y'know, where certain sounds in the film get randomly swapped with others), old stuff having to be remade for credibility's sake, timing issues that never seem to be fixed, and so on.

Believe it or not, my life doesn't revolve around the fucking film. It's a tedious, strenuous, tiring process when you have little motivation, which afflicted the production for a while. I didn't have any decent new material to post and recieve motivating comments on because I've posted most of the cool stuff. And yeah, stupid MMO, whatever, it's an opinion. For me, it's entertainment, and if I can pick between playing videogames for a while or animating in 3dmm, it's an obvious choice for me.

The project is not dead. I would like to work on it again, I just need to kickstart production and not think about the tedious side of it. Right now, I'm just not up to it. I know I've left it for a while, but I've had long periods of off-time like this before with LoS, and there's always something that drags me back into it. It shouldn't be bothering you so much.
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Old 01-13-2007, 09:36 PM   #38
Aaron Haynes
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Originally Posted by Andres
1. This movie you're working on right now... how long is it? How many technical inconveniences have you ran into while making it? How much pre-production do you have to do on it? How much time did you have to spend on this movie before you actually just sat down and started animating the thing?
Too much, which is why I've shelved and all but cancelled it. This would be Vlarion 2, and if the 3DMM community managed to maintain a visible amount of activity following the nine months since Vlarion 1's release, I'd have stuck with it regardless of working in higher-end programs at the same time. 3DMM is still better than anything else at producing full-scale projects quickly.
2. This movie you were working on like three years ago... what happened to it? Where is it? Why didn't you move on to a tinier project?
That would be Alternate Vlarion 4, and it wasn't finished because the quality gap became so large that the series would no longer have any lasting relevance, and I hoped to remake the whole thing in a form accessible to more than just the people who saw the originals when they came out.

It sits at 30% completion and I'm still debating what to do with it. I may actually finish it in the old style, or hunt down voice actors, or something, though it would be out of chronology with Vlarion 1 2006.

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Old 01-13-2007, 09:58 PM   #39
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1. The Big Biiig movie I'm working on right now would be Annihilation, a joint effort between me and Ninja Devil (He's writing, I'm animating) ND's just about finished on the script, and now that I have a computer that can run 3dmm at decent speed AND run Maya without crashing, production should go by a lot quicker. As much as you'll hate me for it, this movie's gonna be REALLY expansion heavy. Most of the main character expansions are already finished though, and the remainder is mostly going to be texture jobs and setbuilding (a fair mix will be between 3dmm and Maya).

2. The past 3 years has consisted largely of thinking up stuff, then animating maybe 10 scenes before getting lazy/distracted and cancellating. I have 2 or 3 unfinished projects of my own in the works, but I've resolved myself to get back to work on them. In particular there's a Christmas themed movie I've been wanting to do for a while. These will see the light of day sometime.
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Old 01-13-2007, 11:37 PM   #40
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what happened to Lord Raidis?

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Old 01-14-2007, 12:07 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Andres
I want to understand why 3dmm is dying.
Honesty, I think you are one of the main reasons. Because of your excessive flaming most newbies get frightened to so that no newbe can really envolve himself here. You and other flamers make this place a hard business for any new user. This is why 3dmm(.com) is dying.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:14 AM   #42
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you're a complete moron if you honestly think i'm the reason 3dmm is dying. honestly. you have no mental faculties whatsoever.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:18 AM   #43
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Yeah, I could have predicted this post.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:29 AM   #44
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yeah, because it's a dumb fucking post. do you actually believe that, you moron? most of the people i flame aren't newbies. they're people i know. because i can actually come up with things to say ABOUT THEM. and i don't even fucking post that much anymore. do you honestly think my sporadic, 10 posts a day or whatever are bringing fear to the hearts of 3dmmers in such a way that they cancel their movies? get the fuck out of my face.

Too much, which is why I've shelved and all but cancelled it. This would be Vlarion 2, and if the 3DMM community managed to maintain a visible amount of activity following the nine months since Vlarion 1's release, I'd have stuck with it regardless of working in higher-end programs at the same time. 3DMM is still better than anything else at producing full-scale projects quickly.

People do watch your movies, though. If they were made available in googlevideo or something you betcha at least half the community would watch that shit.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:32 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Chippy
1. Right now LoS is almost an hour in length, and is at about 80% completion. I've had quite a few technical inconveniences while making it, but nothing so major to have caused me to lose a lot of work. Just a few crashes, one or two scenes lost, remade quickly. No pre-production really, I make a lot of stuff up on the spot, but gradually weave it into an overall storyline and such. But lately I've lost motivation and passion in making it due to other more rewarding sources of entertainment. And with the World of Warcraft expansion out in 3 to 4 days, I'm going to be pulled even further away from working on LoS. I'll start work on it again another time when I've more of an interest in it.

If this were the golden age of 3dmm, I'd advise you to do just that, and to wait until your heart is truly into this project and finish it. Since it's not, what I'm going to tell you is to stop fucking playing WoW (of all things, GAWD), half-ass that remaining 20%, and release the fucking thing.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:32 AM   #46
Tuna Hematoma
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I've always believed that movie sites were what kept the community going more than anything. Those places where the hub of the community, now the board is and it's what slows everything down by being such a damn distraction.

I agree with this, but not so much the last part. Tie this with what Dustin said about newbies and such and then YEAH... cuz like, if someone new posts a 5/10 type movie, it'll get comments like, "THAT WAS A PILE OF CRAP, LEAVE!" No one new wants to hear that, especially if they're young and new to the internet. They'll get scared and leave.

I like the movies section here as an archive thing or for "good" new movies. Not new movies that, at most, will get 5/10 type ratings... of course, you'd have to get people to actually have a website again. I don't have time for mine (that and I'm lazy anyway) and I can't even remember the last time Cheyney updated his site on a frequent basis, SO YEAH... YEAH... that's my $0.02

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Old 01-14-2007, 12:38 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Andres
If this were the golden age of 3dmm, I'd advise you to do just that, and to wait until your heart is truly into this project and finish it. Since it's not, what I'm going to tell you is to stop fucking playing WoW (of all things, GAWD), half-ass that remaining 20%, and release the fucking thing.
Half-ass it? God no. The last thing I wanna do with LoS1 is rush the ending. I m-- oh shaddap, WoW entertains me! 8 million players worldwide, man!

Anyways I have a feeling I'll be working on it again soon, the main reason being I'm currently sending a brand new trailer for LoS to Nick Tonic to upload for me.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:40 AM   #48
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1. The movie I'm/was working is supposed to be a short kickass sniper movie. After the release of Rayman: Level 1, it felt good to start on something on what made 3dmm fun in the first place. It was supposed to be out for the Winter Fest but then the board (which is another motivation source) became boring and I lost interest. What happened to the Winter Fest anyways? On with the movie, I was working at a pretty decent speed at first but then there came this one scene, I had it in my head, camera angle and everything but I never got around to start on it.

2. The movie I was working on like three years ago is already released unfinished. I did smaller projects like the Animation Tournament and such.
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:45 AM   #49
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question 2 was only meant for ppl w a hyped big project
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Old 01-14-2007, 12:50 AM   #50
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Ah. Well I need to figure out what to do before my career as a 3dmm director is over.
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