Directed by: McClanky (aka CrablegsTV) of ClankkyProductions (or CrablegsTV Productions) Starring: Lavarath (Alex J. Clark), Jerry, BadRabbit, HelluvaGirl, TonyTheRetard, Bown (which doesn't sound like him), Luna56, McClanky's Mum (apparently) and Ms. Buth (not counting the [REDACTED] ones) Alright lads, time for another review for your eyes, ears, glasses, mouth and your lazy arse!!!! ![]() This time, its a review based around the first episode of a series... themed around the LGBTQ+ community! (oh, what a treat! a 3dmm movie based around the LGBTQ+... how exciting!), and its called 'MY PRONOUNS ARE NOR/MAL'... yeah, we really are jumping into the very dodgy territory, a film... based around LGBTQ+... made in 3DMM! AGH!! So, this is the first time someone made a LGBTQ+ themed movie in 3dmm, and yeah, its fucking awesome... no one ever made a 3dmm movie based around LGBTQ+, just oh my god that is a first! ![]() ok, so we see our main hero of the story, Amber (hey, named after the street i live on, Amber Hill, and before you ask... NO! I'M NOT SHARING MY ADDRESS! NOT TODAY... EVER... SO DON'T FUCKING VISIT ME FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION... NO... JUST HELL NO, OTHERWISE MY PARENTS WILL PHONE THE POLICE, I DON'T WANNA BE LIKE CHRIS-CHAN, DON'T, FUCKING, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)... ok, enough of mental breakdown, let's carry on with the review... so we see our main hero, AMBER! walking down the street, man she's got that vibe, but turns out she is a depressed piece of shit who just wants to be cool... then it gets worse for her as her mum tells her that she has the first day of school tomorrow... and she realizes, that the school in question... HATES GAY PEOPLE!!!! and your not gonna believe what the director chose to be the School Principle... nope, not Principle Skinner, but TOM BOWN HIMSELF!!!!!!! OH MY GOD BOWN IS THE PRINCIPLE... but he's already the president of the 3dmm Discord server, so why is he... wait... Bown hates Black People... and that must mean... BOWN HATES GAY PEOPLE! ![]() so he welcomes back students to the school, blah blah blah, then Amber goes to the Cafeteria for lunch (or something, idk), then she sees a group of Queers at a table nearby, and y'know what, this feels like a Anime or idk... Power Rangers? Disney Channel sitcoms? iCarly? Victorious? Dan Schni- ok i think i should continue, its like, The LGBTQ+ Community meets South Park and Włatcy móch, so who gives a fuck? then we see an intro, making it NEARLY LOOK LIKE A DISNEY CHANNEL SITCOM! BUT ITS MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC IS TOWARDS THE LGBTQ+ AND 3DMM COMMUNITY... and adults and teens alike, and its gives us the names of the main characters... Amber, Arson (i think named after Arson Attack, i remember one story of an arson attack where Mick Philpott tried to rescue his few kids, which later turned into disaster), Corbin, Charlotte, Lucy (with a pissed off face) and Benny, then we see a group of protestors and we see the shows logo... huh! and then after all that Disney Channel-esque Sitcom intro fiasco, we see the teacher introducing a new student... CHLOE... who turns out to be Arson... WHAT A FUCKING BITCH OF A TEACHER! HER BRAIN IS LIKE RETARDED, SHE HAS TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF OR SOMETHING BECAUSE THIS SLUT IS A TOTAL RETARD!!!! then Arson tells us that they like Frogs (i think Kermit The Frog was cheating on Miss. Piggy with Arson, hehe), Mushrooms and Cosplay Minecraft YouTubers (watchout for LionMaker and NetNobody, there the worst), which makes the entire class SHOCKED! except for Lucy, and let me tell you... that Arson, nearly sounds like Plopilpy, which is a bit... weird but still, later... during Lunch, Amber tells them that she is gay and lesbian, HOLY SHIT ON A STICK! and then Arson comes up with an idea, to replace the School's flag... WITH THE LGBT FLAG! which is a horrible idea because the school hates gay people, but they do it anyway, but suddenly, they get chased after but some unknown entity (which turns out to be the Janitor looking for his keys), and then, after minutes of caper, the janitor takes the flag down, and tells Amber and Arson that they can't replace the school's flag with the LGBT flag, otherwise they will suspended, so they go home while the music from fucking 2 GIRLS AND 1 CUP plays in the background, that's fucking weird, who wants to put music from 2 Girls and 1 Cup in there movie, its just... ugh, y'know how horrible that movie is, tons of people watched (even Stewie in one episode of Family Guy) and they were disgusted by what they saw, if you sent me that video in my Discord DMs... I'LL FUCKING BLOCK YOU! anyway, Amber goes home and then... she says... 'Man, Being Trans Sucks!'... then she kills herself... and the movie... ends, yeah, brutal isn't it? (like that one Little Red Riding Hood ad for the Polish mobile service Heyah! from 2005 that got a censored version because a watchdog didn't like the ending how Little Red Riding Hood got bit by a trap, which yeah, Heyah! did have some advertising campaigns that were... out there to say the least, no seriously, look up 'reklame Heyah' on YouTube and you see what i mean) WHEW! my god, that movie was very good, liked the scenery and shit, the voice acting can be pretty funny at times too, especially with Arson, who again, sounds like Plopilpy, the music is pretty cartoon based, the humor is pretty good and the mods... man they look pretty cool, i wish Ol' McClanky posted the .VMM file aswell, because man, these mods are pretty god, so um... yeah... also, forgot to mention one bit, the barbers scene has pictures of Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic, you tartar sauces!), CallMeCarson, Mario and some other people i can't make out, but still... pretty awesome movie! (reminds me of Bullhorn Part 1 by Chris Burrage, aka Buzvonlurt a little bit) CRITICAL SCORE: 100/100 PERSONAL SCORE: 100/100 |
![]() ![]() Excellent
“LGBTQ+ version of South Park and Włatcy móch with a little bit of Disney Channel sitcom magic!”
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