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Old 08-06-2023, 10:01 PM
Gustave kills ppl and free roam and shit

Grand Shit Auto
Directed by: TheunknownK of The unknownK studio
Starring: Text-To-Speech (The ones from GoAnimate videos... seriously)

...seriously... seriously... why am i reviewing this garbage? its because of Comedic Effect,
that's why! THAT'S WHY I AM REVIEWING THIS PIECE OF SHIT, just to laugh your arses
off, like a meme... like a monty python sketch... like that one time when... Harvey Price
said 'Hello, You Cunt!' on live television! i'm not joking, look that up on youtube! its a pretty
funny clip and it did actually happen once, which spawned a few memes, but back to the review...

so... Grand Theft Auto (GTA), one of the most controversial video game franchises to exist,
hell, i even have Vice City, San Andreas and Liberty City Stories on PS2, while i have not
played Vice City and Liberty City Stories yet... but i did play San Andreas on OPL (Open PS2
Loader) and PC, and it's pretty fun, basically you play as CJ (real name Carl Johnson) and
cause rampage at any given moment, it is basically the most controversial game i played,
along with POSTAL 2 and Super Columbine Massacare RPG!, but i'm not here to talk
about the games... i'm here to talk about a parody that someone released, its called 'Grand
Shit Auto', yeah... just as the title implies, the movie is complete crap... and here's why:

We start off in Misty City, just as you thought this film was also by Topz Studio (just a FYI, yes
i've been fired recently, because i made a much worse sequal to The Marketplace, i will upload
it at some point, but still... its goddamn terrible), we see that the car is moving rather slower
then the intro... then Gustave gets out of the car and AAHHHHHH!! oh my god, Gustave actually
went through the walls of the chicken restaurant, he is like god! but anyway... he gets chased
after by Barney from Half Life 1 (fun fact: He is voiced by Michael Shapiro, the same guy that
voiced McZee), so he jumps into the submarine buggy with Valentine, then Valentine kills Gustave
because he did not give him money or something... welp, that's wasn't too long, eh?


3 Days Later: Gustave comes back to life! ITS ALIVE, ITS... A L I V E! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Gustave wakes up from the dead, realizes what happened to him... then... he goes Postal... very
slowly!... y'know what, let's play a little game, its called 'Is It Just Me Or Is The Movie Suppose To
Be Like This?', and here's your question: Why Does The Postal Scene in GSA (Grand Shit Auto) Feel
Like Its Going On Forever?', and here are your awnsers...

A) The Director's Decision

B) My Processor is Slow

or C) No Fuckin' Clue!

I'll Give You 15 Seconds...

* Jeopardy thinking music plays *

...The Awnser is A) The Director's Decision, That's A
Good Sport! You Deserve Some Ginger Biscuits with Milk! Yeah, The Damn Director
is a Shitposter, pretty much every newbie is a Shitposter! (well, almost all of 'em),
then Valentine hires a hitman to kill Bonzi Buddy (aka Old School Ploplipy), which
is kinda fucked up because hiring a hitman can get you arrested, so let's put it at that,
but just as Bonzi is about to get killed... Gustave saves the day! but however, Mario
kills Bonzi sadly, and then Gustave calls Waluigi a Monkey! Why? Just Why?

Then the disaster finally ends with Gustave killing a bunch of Willy's, which were
apparently... Valentine's Minions, and Gustave dies, THE END! ROLL CREDITS!

My God, What a Disaster! Bloody hell! This guy, TheunknownK, really needs to learn
how to make good animation just like Will Maltby, Aaron Haynes, etc., i really i want
to see this guy what he can ACTUALLY do with 3D Movie Maker, then just dragging
characters everywhere! also, he should use his own voice (if he ever gets a good
High quality Microphone), because when using TTS... its pretty dull and banter if
you ask me... but c'mon man, try to learn from other 3dmm movies, dude!

Critical Score: 1/100
Personal Score: -0/100
“GTA parody where everyone is obsessed with saying 'Motherfucker', what a bloody shitpost of a movie! FFS!”
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Old 08-07-2023, 05:17 AM   #2
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Not readin allat
Glad u liked the movie or glad u hated it
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Old 08-07-2023, 05:22 AM   #3
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You could just look at the number.

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Old 08-07-2023, 08:45 AM   #4
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I did would I could so I don't really give a fuck
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Old 08-07-2023, 05:40 PM   #5
Autistic British Jackass

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Originally Posted by TheunknownK
I don't really give a fuck

Oh, you son of a bitch!
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